Philipp on Global Digital Expedition – 2019
Digital technologies disrupt industries, economies and societies. The change is complex, the pace is breathtaking and the areas of progress are diverse. And so are the people and organizations driving that revolution. For sure they are shaping how we live, work, trade – and how we create our global future.
What are those innovators visions? What is their success secret? Why is it especially them, being the leader in their field? And overall: What can we learn from each other?
In the search for answers digital expert, author and consultant Philipp Riederle goes on a global expedition.
On his travel list: states, organizations, companies, leaders, scientists and the brightest minds, which are shaping technological revolutions. His aim: Learning from each other, networking and starting cooperation. As one of Germanys leading digital experts he knows: „This transformation is global!“
Research expedition, Philipp Riederle visits leading digital innovators
Philipp Riederle: best selling author, consultant and keynote speaker. Worked with > 450 European companies on their digital strategies.
China, South Korea, Japan, Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia
08th July – 29th August 2019

Key interests / Topics
- Industry 4.0
- Platform Economy
- Big Data, Artificial Intelligence
- E-Governments, Smart Cities
- Start-Up Ecosystems
- Economic and labor effects
- Innovation and change culture
Key objectives / Research questions
- What countries and organizations are the leading drivers of digital progress in which specific fields?
- What is their secret of success? What can we learn from each other?
- What is the greatest chance and toughest challenge in the future?
Latest agenda
- 08.-16. Jul: Indonesia/Jakarta
- 16.-22. Jul: Singapore
- 22.-24. Jul: Thailand/Bangkok
- 25.-30. Jul: Malaysia/Kuala Lumpur
- 30.-15. Aug: China
- 15.-21. Aug: Korea
- 21.-28. Aug: Japan
Be part of the journey!
- meet Philipp on his expedition, he comes to your office!
- Contribute to the research on digital transformation, potentially appear in one of Philipps publications (books, articles, videos)
- Benefit from Philipps deep insights on European Organizations and Digital Transformation Strategies
About Philipp
Philipp Riederle is Germany’s youngest management consultant and bestselling book author. The 24-year-old develops strategies for the digital transformation of multinational companies, governments and societies. Since 2009 he worked together with over 450 organizations in Europe. By the German government he was honored as one of Germany’s leading „Digital Heads“.
Is there a topic or question Philipp should not miss? Do you know inspiring organizations or people Philipp should meet? Are you a driver of digital progress in Asia?
We appreciate your contribution!
Expedition reports / Blog
08.-16. Jul: Indonesia/Jakarta -> Video-Impressions / Blog
16.-22. Jul: Singapore -> Video-Impressions
22.-24. Jul: Thailand/Bangkok -> Video-Impressions
24.-30. Jul: Kuala Lumpur/Malaysia -> Video-Impressions
01.-05. Aug: HongKong -> Video-Impressions
06.-15. Aug: China -> Video-Impressions
16.-24. Aug: Korea -> Video-Impressions
25.-29. Aug: Japan -> Video-Impressions